Monday, July 9, 2007

Best Sisters

Four more blessings in my life! Heather, Joe, Gwen, and Grant I love you guys!

For many years I have called Heather my "best sister". Now my other two sisters they are the best too, but Heather and I spent a few years being very close. Most likely because she was my idle and we just get along great. I think we have the same humor and having someone to laugh with is the best gift ever!

When Heather and Joe started dating life was great because I finally got a brother!I also gained another person to laugh with, I don't think that Joe and I ever really know what were laughing about but somehow when I'm with him everything becomes funny!

Heather and Joe have blessed me and this world with two precious babes! I cannot believe how much I love them! Heather and I talk about how sometimes you can love somebody so much it makes you cry and that's the truth!

The other day we had a birthday party for my mom and I was talking about all my worries and Heather said "why don't you just quit worrying"w/ no compassion for my obviously mediocre problem. She always knows how to put me in my place.

She doesn't care to sugar coat things she just tells it like it is. There have been times that this ticked me off but truly she is the one person I can go to and know that I will always receive honesty and I know that its because she loves me. There is much to be said about tough lovers and that's my Heather!

We have shared so many good times. Back when Heather first started driving we ruled our small town together and even though she was 4 years older than me she included me in her coolness, I always felt privileged! I always wanted to be just like her.

Which is the reason that I stole her clothes, make-up, jewelry, shoes, Cd's, and much more. Hopefully now that were older Heather can see that I wasn't trying to be a thief. I was trying to be as cool and gorgeous as she is.

I guess these days not much has changed. I still wear her clothes when shes done with them. I still think shes pretty hip for a mom. Most of all I think that she is a gorgeous person inside & out. I pray that one day I grow up to be just like her!

1 comment:

HeatherD said...

I love you lots little sis!!!!