Friday, May 4, 2007

About $

When I think about money the first emotion that I feel is frustration. I do not like needing it and honestly I'm not the best at handling it. In the past few months I have made a few minor changes that really help me in my spending.

1. No Debit Card
2. Duplicate checks
3.No credit cards
4.Carry little cash
5.Direct Deposit
6.Make shopping list

I'm not making a huge savings off this plan, however I'm chasing my bills instead of them chasing after me. Dept free is obviously the ultimate goal. Were in the process of buying our 1st home so I suppose it will take around ugh 30 yrs to meet my ultimate goal, but long term goals are the best ones :).

Have you seen the credit card commercial where the guy is in a mall or food court and he pays with cash and the whole place comes to a halt? He slows everything down. I think the advertisement even states something along the lines of not letting money slow you down. Don't quote me on that but its something like that, you get my drift.

In my opinion that is exactly what we need to do. Slow down that is. This country is all about the impulse sales. I'm a sucker and I know it so if i take away my debit card and credit cards I have to stop and think about what I'm spending. In most cases I would actually have to go to the bank and get my money (OMG thats so inconvenient!).

The duplicate checks just help me keep track of what I am buying. I'm not very good at writing down everything so this leaves a trail for me. All plastic payment options are stupid. The company behind that card is going to make its money off of you somehow so chop em up! Ill be the first to admit if its in my wallet and I want something bad enough I will give into my temptation, so I take the temptation away. ( We can use this in other areas of life :) as well! )

Baby steps is my motto. My oldest sister Mandy and I are trying*** not to buy new. I like this idea way much. It is challening and I deffinatly dont always follow the rules but I am doing better everyday!

What do you do to stash your cash?

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