Thursday, April 19, 2007


It never ceases to amaze me. Almost every time that a somebody takes notice to my wedding ring the first thing they say is "How old are you?". When I respond with 23 I get a "You're too young to be married". To top it off they usually will express some sense of sorrow for me. I cant recall one time where somebody has said " That's wonderful!", or "Congratulations". I find it very rude. I don't understand how friends or even worse strangers feel that they know better than I my readiness for marriage.

I feel that everybody has the right to there own opinion, however it seems to me that society's view of marriage is well, screwed up! People treat me like I'm headed for a funeral, its very sad to me. I couldn't be happier in my marriage. My husband and I are young and we are growing together. Isn't that what its all about?

I have a little sister that's 18 yrs old. KK is five months pregnant. Maybe she is young and maybe it isn't the best timing but I find peoples reactions horrible! Never would I express regret at the promise of new life. I believe that new life is our greatest blessing! Imagine you are pregnant ( this may be difficult guys) and young. KK is nervous this is all so new. She needs support and encouragement, instead she gets apologies!

Many of our parents and grandparent were 18 or younger. Back in my grandparents day it was common for people to marry at 16 yrs of age in many cases is was encouraged. Are we all so independent now in days that we need nobody but ourselves? I don't think ever body should marry at a young age but if you feel ready what other sign do you need? There are no guarantees in life but if we lose faith in these things we are surly doomed.

In our great Country we are so blessed with freedom and opportunity, but is there any limits? Are limits always bad? High school children in choosing a mate , school, or career are consistently told "Explore your options,try everything, never settle". Never settle? Never settle for what? Anything less than perfection? Perfection is a myth. Non existent in this world. Unattainable goals are ridiculous. We have to expect people/life for its strengths and weakness. For all good and bad qualities and a search for the perfect person is a lost cause. Maybe we should incorporate a little compassion into our lives. Trying to be perfect tires those trying,and those with the expectations of perfection in others.

I watch my grade school friends. Off living the "dream"in college. Sleeping around with different people, you know trying to find the perfect one, continuously breaking there own hearts, with the desire for finding that perfect person and infinitely failing. I have to chuckle at times when they express there sorrow for me and my simple life. I am satisfied. They are forever searching for unattainable dreams of perfection. Where as I am happy with my Husband and friend who is not perfect but supports me in imperfect times. Maybe were not so wordily but we know love, patience, and kindness. I wonder how much the "dream" college life teaches of that.

I'm not downing College. Knowledge is power however the lifestyle that it predominately promotes is reckless and at times life threatening. My dearest friend nearly killed herself with alcohol literally she spent days in the hospital because of it, we almost lost her. That reality check woke her up, others don't wake up,ever. Yet if a person is driven to become a Doctor or whatever that's awesome. They do not have to choose that reckless lifestyle,though it seems very difficult to overcome. At such a impressionable age its hard not to do what everybody else is doing.

I ask for your veiws on young marrages and any response to my feelings!

Monday, April 16, 2007

First Try

Okay here is my first blog! I suppose I should tell you a little about myself...

I am a female. I am 23 years old, my birthday is March 25. I am very happily married to my very best friend Scottie. I work for a lumber company and A fitness club. I have three sisters, je na pa de frere- I'm not the best speller. I am a lover of animals. I am a hunter. I am an artist, singer/painter. I don't have a favorite color...its so hard to pick! I like to read when I'm in the right mood. I love my family very much. I am defiantly a dreamer. I have ADD and use it to my benefit, you should see me multi-task! I'm also LD = learns differently. I am a Catholic/Christian. I have a strong faith, and feel sad for those who don't, b/c I'm afraid I will never get to see them again! I'm a worry wort and carefree.

So there you have it! This is me... today anyway!